Facial Reconstruction

Facial reconstruction is a highly specialized surgery that covers the entire anatomical area of the mouth, jaws, face, and skull, as well as the associated structures. Usually performed on patients whose facial appearance and structure has been affected by physical trauma or illness.

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Some dental locations may cover a wider range of treatments options than others. Contact your local dentist for exact treatments options.
About Facial Reconstruction
Facial reconstruction is a highly specialized surgery that covers the entire anatomical area of the mouth, jaws, face, and skull, as well as the associated structures. Usually performed on patients whose facial appearance and structure has been affected by physical trauma or illness.
Additional Costs & Procedures
Additional treatments or procedures may be associated to 'Facial Reconstruction'. These procedures may be required before, during or after treatment. Additional dental treatments which may be required are listed below.
  • To relieve or prevent pain, your dentist may use local, regional or general anesthesia.
  • To prevent or stop infections, your dentist may prescribe antibiotics.
  • To relieve pain or discomfort after treatment, your dentist may prescribe painkillers.